Adding components

This section outlines the structure of ragcore and provides guidance on how you can add components. For detailed information about existing methods, refer to API reference.

Supported model provider

The app supports OpenAI and Azure OpenAI for large language models and embedding models. For the former, a valid API key has to be in the environment with the name OPENAI_API_KEY. For Azure deployments, the environment variable AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY is required.

Adding a large language model

To add a new LLM, subclass the LLModel in models/ and return the model in the _get_llm() method. This model is then used by the LLMService in services/

Adding an embedding

To create a vector out of the input data so that it can be stored in the vector database, an OpenAI embedding model is used by default in the DatabaseService. To change the embedding, subclass the EmbeddingModel in models/

The default OpenAI embedding is text-embedding-ada-002.

Adding new database

To add a new vector database, subclass the VectorDataBaseModel and use it in the DatabaseService. To learn more about what a vector database is and how it works, check out for example this great post by the Pinecone team.

Changing prompt

Using the retrieved information from the vector database, the information is concatenated to a string and along with the question passed into the PromptGenerator in models/ This prompt can be changed and it might be worth to experiment with variations.

Further changes

The changes described so far swap out existing components. Further optimization could for example include changing the similarity measure used to retrieve vectors from the database, or using a different text splitting method in TextSplitterService in services/ (currently langchain’s RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter is used).