RAG Core documentation
RAG Core is a library designed to reduce the implementation of Retrieval-Augmented Generation applications to a configuration file and a few lines of code.
To get started, run
pip install ragcore
Once you have selected the components that suit your needs with the config file, creating a Retrieval-Augmented Generation system becomes as easy as this:
from ragcore import RAGCore
app = RAGCore() # pass config=<path-to-config.yaml> if not in root
# Upload a document "My_Book.pdf"
# Now you can ask questions
answer = app.query(query="What did the elk say?")
# List the document's title and content on which the answer is based
for doc in answer.documents:
print(doc.title, " | ", doc.content)
# List all documents in the database
# You can delete by title
About RAG
Getting started
Usage guide