API reference

Documentation of the different classes, starting from the app layer down to the model layer.


class ragcore.app.RAGCore(config: str | None = None, log_level='DEBUG', file_logging=False)

Bases: AbstractApp

Retrieval-Augmented Generation Core lets you create RAG applications with a configuration and a few lines of code.

RAGCore is a library that simplifies the implementation of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) applications. It combines a large language model with a knowledge store, allowing users to generate responses based on retrieved information.

  • Create an instance of RAGCore with the desired configuration.

  • Add documents to the knowledge store using the add_document method.

  • Query the system with natural language using the query method.

  • Retrieve generated responses.

# Instantiate RAGCore
rag_instance = RAGCore(config_path='path/to/config.yaml')

# Add a document to the knowledge store

# Query the system
query = 'Tell me about the topic.'
response = rag_instance.query(query=query)

# Print the content string of the generated response

# List the document's titles and contents on which the response is based
for doc in response.documents:
    print(doc.title, " | ", doc.content)

# List all documents in the database

# Remove the document

RAGCore relies on a configuration file (default name config.yaml) to customize its behavior. For more information, refer to the Configuration section of the documentation at https://daved01.github.io/ragcore.


database_service: The service for handling database interactions.

document_service: The service for handling document interactions.

llm_service: The service for handling large language model interactions.

configuration: An AppConfig containing the configuration.

add(path: str, user: str | None = None) None

Adds a document to the database.

Adds the document in the path to the database. The filename, without the file extension, becomes the document title. For example, the path data/documents/my_book.pdf adds the book to the database with the title my_book. Before it is added, the document is split into overlapping chunks as specified in the config file. Then, using the embedding model, vector representations are created which are then added to the database.


path: A string to the file location.

user: An optional string to identify a user.

delete(title: str, user: str | None = None) None

Deletes a collection from the database.

Given a title, all documents with that title, also called a collection, are deleted from the database.


title: The title of the collection to remove from the database.

user: An optional string to identify a user.

get_titles(user: str | None = None) TitlesResponse

Gets the document titles in the database.

If a user identifier is given, the titles owned by this user are returned. If no user is given, the titles of the main collection are returned. The titles are sorted in alphabetical order.


user: An optional string to identify the owner.


TitlesResponse: Object with an optional list of alphabetically sorted string titles and an optional user.

query(query: str, user: str | None = None) QueryResponse

Queries the database with a query.

Queries the database and makes an LLM request with the prompt and the context provided by the database.


query: The query string to query the database with.

user: An optional string to identify a user.


A QueryResponse object. The field content contains the string or None if a response could not be generated. The field documents is a list with documents of type Document on which the response is based.

class ragcore.app.base_app.AbstractApp(log_level='DEBUG', file_logging=False)

Bases: object

Abstract base app for RAG Core.

Defines the required methods and sets up the logger.

abstract add(path: str, user: str | None = None) None

Adds a document to the database.

abstract delete(title: str, user: str | None = None) None

Removes a document from the database.

abstract get_titles(user: str | None = None) TitlesResponse

Lists all titles owned by the user in the database, sorted in alphabetical order.

initialize_logger(log_level: str) Logger

Creates and configures a logger instance for console and file logging.

Sets the log level and defines the format of the log statements.


log_level: A string to set the log level.


Logger: The logger instance for the app.

logger: Logger
abstract query(query: str, user: str | None = None) QueryResponse

Runs a query against a database.


class ragcore.services.database_service.DatabaseService(logger: Logger, config: DatabaseConfiguration, embedding_config: EmbeddingConfiguration)

Bases: object

Handles database interactions.

The DatabaseService class provides methods for interacting with the database, allowing you to perform operations such as adding documents, querying information, and managing the knowledge store. Based on the configuration, either a local or a remote database is managed by the service. The interactions with the database are implemented in the model layer.


logger: A logger instance

base_path: The path to the local database as a string.

name: The name of the database

num_search_results: The number of results which are returned for a query.

embedding_config: A configuration for the embedding, usually the embedding part of the config file.

add_documents(documents: list[Document], user: str | None = None) None

Adds documents to an existing database.

Documents must have metadata, and the metadata must have a title specified. Adding documents with the same title multiple times is not possible.


documents: A list of documents of type Document.

user: An optional string to identify a user.

delete_documents(title: str, user: str | None = None) None

Deletes all documents with the title title from the database.

The title matching is case sensitive.


title: The title of the documents to be deleted.

user: An optional string to identify a user.

get_titles(user: str | None = None) list[str | None]

Get the document titles for the user in the database, sorted in alphabetical order.


user: An optional string to identify a user.


A list of alphabetically sorted strings with the titles, or an empty list.

initialize_local_database() None

Initializes a local database.

To initialize a local database, the DatabaseService must have the attributes base_path and provider set. If the base path does not exist it is created.

initialize_remote_database() None

Initializes a remote database.

A remote database often requires that a base_url is set.

query(query: str, user: str | None = None) list[Document] | None

Query the database with a query.

The instantiated database is queried with the given query string and returns a list of documents for a query.


query: A query as a string.

user: An optional string to identify a user.


A list of documents or None.

class ragcore.services.document_service.DocumentService(logger: Logger)

Bases: object

Handles document interactions.

The DocumentService class provides methods for creating and processing documents so that they can be stored in the database.

There are two properties related to documents. When a text is first loaded into the system, for example from a pdf file, it is parsed into pages, which has one Document per page. This list should then be split into overlapping chunks using the method split_pages. The resulting splits are then available in the documents property.


logger: A logger instance.

pages: A list of Document, representing text which has not been split into chunks.

documents: A list of Document of overlapping chunks.

load_texts(path: str) None

Loads text from a file into memory so it can be processed further.

Usually, you load text from a file so that it can split into chunks and ingested into the database.

Currently supported file formats are:
  • PDF


path: The string path to a file to be loaded into the service as pages.

split_pages(chunk_size: int, chunk_overlap: int) None

Splits pages into overlapping chunks and stores them in documents.

Must have loaded text with the load_texts method prior to splitting it.


chunk_size: The size of the chunks. chunk_overlap: The overlap of the chunks.

class ragcore.services.llm_service.LLMService(logger: Logger, config: LLMConfiguration)

Bases: object

Initializes a Large Language Model and handles requests made to it.

Currently supported providers are:
  • OpenAI

  • AzureOpenAI


logger: A logger instance. llm_provider: The provider for the LLM. llm_model: The name of the LLM, as specified by the provider. llm_config: A configuration for the LLM.

create_prompt(question: str, contexts: list[Document]) str

Creates the prompt which is used to make the request.

The prompt is created from the prompt template and a concatenation of the document chunks as strings.


question: A question as string.

contexts: List of Document. Typically the grounding information for the question from the database.


A prompt as a string.


Initializes the selected Large Language Model from the specified provider.

Make sure to have environment variables set as required by the selected provider.



make_llm_request(prompt: str) str | None

Makes a request to the initialized Large Language Model.


prompt: A prompt as a string for the request.


The response from the LLM as a string or None if no response could be generated.

class ragcore.services.text_splitter_service.TextSplitterService(chunk_size: int, chunk_overlap: int)

Bases: object

Handles splitting of text.

To split the documents, a recursive text splitter is used.


chunk_size: The size of the chunks. chunk_overlap: The overlap of the chunks.

split_documents(documents: list[Document]) list[Document]

Splits a list of documents into chunks.


documents: A list of Document.


A list of split documents.


class ragcore.models.database_model.BaseVectorDatabaseModel

Bases: ABC

Abstract Base Class for vector database models.

The BaseVectorDatabaseModel defines the interface for vector database models, serving as a base class for concrete implementations. Subclasses must implement the abstract methods to provide functionality for adding, deleting, querying, and retrieving the number of documents in the database.

abstract add_documents(documents: list[Document], user: str | None = None) bool

Adds documents to the database.


documents: A list of documents Document to be added to the database.

user: An optional string to identify a user.


True if documents have been added, False otherwise.

abstract delete_documents(title: str, user: str | None = None) bool

Deletes all documents with title title from the database.


title: The title of the documents to be deleted.

user: An optional string to identify a user.


True if documents have been delete, False otherwise.

abstract get_number_of_documents(user: str | None = None) int

Returns the total number of documents in the database.

abstract get_titles(user: str | None = None) list[str | None]

Returns the titles owned by the user.


user: An optional string to identify a user.


A list of strings with the titles, or an empty list.

abstract query(query: str, user: str | None = None) list[Document] | None

Queries the database with a query using a similarity metric.


query: A query as a string.

user: An optional string to identify a user.


A list of documents Document, or None if no documents could be retrieved.

class ragcore.models.database_model.BaseLocalVectorDatabaseModel(persist_directory: str | None, embedding_function: BaseEmbedding)

Bases: BaseVectorDatabaseModel

Base class for local databases.


persist_directory: Path to a folder in which the local database should be created.

embedding_function: Embedding of type BaseEmbedding to be used to create vector representations of inputs.

class ragcore.models.database_model.ChromaDatabase(persist_directory: str, num_search_results: int, embedding_function: BaseEmbedding)

Bases: BaseLocalVectorDatabaseModel

Chroma database.

Chroma allows to create collections, which are groups of documents. In this class, a single collection is used for all documents.

For more information on Chroma, see: https://www.trychroma.com.


persist_directory: Path to a folder in which the local database should be created.

num_search_results: The number of results to be returned for a query.

embedding_function: Embedding of type BaseEmbedding to be used to create vector representations of inputs.

add_documents(documents: list[Document], user: str | None = None) bool

Adds documents to the Chroma database.

In the database, each ID must be unique.

To prevent documents from the same source, say the same PDF file, from being added more than once, we check if a document with the same title already exists in the database. Only if it does not can the documents be added.


documents: A list of documents.

user: An optional string to identify a user.


True if the document has been added, False otherwise.

delete_documents(title: str, user: str | None = None) bool

Deletes all documents with the given title.


title: The title of the documents to be deleted.

user: An optional string to identify a user.


True if documents have been deleted, False otherwise.

get_number_of_documents(user: str | None = None) int

Returns the number of documents in the collection.

We use only one collection, so getting all documents in the database is equal to getting all documenst in the main collection.


user: An optional string to identify a user.


The number of documents in the database.

get_titles(user: str | None = None) list[str | None]

Returns the titles which are owned by the user.

query(query: str, user: str | None = None) list[Document] | None

Queries the database with a query.

To perform the query on the database, vector representations is created from the query first.


query: A query to query the database with.

user: An optional string to identify a user.


A list of results from the database, or None if no results could be retrieved.

class ragcore.models.database_model.PineconeDatabase(base_url: str, num_search_results: int, embedding_function: BaseEmbedding)

Bases: BaseVectorDatabaseModel

Pinecone database.

To use it, make sure you have your API key under the name PINECONE_API_KEY available as environment variable.

This implementation uses the Pinecone SDK and the REST API. There is also a gRPC version of the Python client with potential for higher upsert speeds, which could be investigated: https://docs.pinecone.io/docs/upsert-data.

For more information on Pinecone, see: https://www.pinecone.io.


base_url: The url pointing to your Pinecone instance.

num_search_results: The number of results to be returned for a query.

embedding_function: Embedding of type BaseEmbedding to be used to create vector representations of inputs.

add_documents(documents: list[Document], user: str | None = None) bool

Adds documents to the database.

Pinecone is heavily based on IDs while other features are currently missing. For example, it is not possible to search the database by metadata without a vector to find titles. That is why we create IDs in the format <title>#<UID>. It is possible to filter results by IDs and ID prefixes using the REST API.


documents: A list of documents Document to be added to the database.

user: An optional string to identify a user.


True if documents have been added, False otherwise.

delete_documents(title: str, user: str | None = None) bool

Deletes all documents with title title from the database.


title: The title of the documents to be deleted.

user: An optional string to identify a user.


True if documents have been deleted, False otherwise.

get_number_of_documents(user: str | None = None) int

Returns the total number of documents in the database.


user: An optional string to identify a user.


The number of documents owned by the user.

get_titles(user: str | None = None) list[str | None]

Returns the titles owned by the user.

Currently, this method does not exist in the SDK. Additionally, it is not possible to return the metadata along with the vectors from the API endpoint. That is why we extract the titles from the IDs.


user: An optional string to identify a user.


A list of strings with the titles, or an empty list.

query(query: str, user: str | None = None) list[Document] | None

Queries the database with the query.


query: A query as a string.

user: An optional string to identify a user.


A list of documents Document, or None if no documents could be retrieved.

class ragcore.models.document_model.Document(content: str, title: str, metadata: Mapping[str, Any])

Bases: object

Model for documents.


content: The content of document, as string.

title: The title of the document.

metadata: A mapping for the metadata.

content: str
metadata: Mapping[str, Any]
title: str
class ragcore.models.app_model.QueryResponse(content: str | None, documents: Sequence[Document | None], user: str | None)

Bases: object

Model for query responses.


content: String with the response, None if no response could be generated.

documents: Sequence of documents on which the response is based on. Empty list if response is None.

user: An optional string to identify a user.

content: str | None
documents: Sequence[Document | None]
user: str | None
class ragcore.models.app_model.TitlesResponse(user: str | None, contents: list[str | None])

Bases: object

Model for document title responses.


user: The owner of the titles.

contents: The list of title strings.

contents: list[str | None]
user: str | None
class ragcore.models.document_loader_model.PDFLoader(file_path: str)

Bases: object

Class for the PDF loader.


file_path: The path to the PDF file to be loaded.

load_and_split(title: str) list[Document]

Loads a PDF file with the specified title from the file path.

The created metadata contains the field title which is taken from the arguments. Typically, the title is the file name without the file extension.


title: The title of the documents.


A list of documents.

class ragcore.models.embedding_model.BaseEmbedding

Bases: ABC

Abstract Base Class for embeddings.

The BaseEmbedding defines the interface for embedding models, serving as a base class for concrete implementations. Subclasses must implement the abstract method to provide functionality for embedding a list of strings.

abstract embed_texts(texts: list[str]) list[list[float]]

Creates a list of embedding vectors for a list of text strings.


texts: A list of strings to create embeddings from.


A list of embedding vectors.

class ragcore.models.embedding_model.BaseOpenAIEmbeddings(client: OpenAI | AzureOpenAI)

Bases: BaseEmbedding

Base class for OpenAI and AzureOpenAI embeddings.

A class to implement the embedding method embed_texts which is the same for both OpenAI embedding models and AzureOpenAI models.


client: The client for the embedding provider, either OpenAI or AzureOpenAI.

client: OpenAI | AzureOpenAI
embed_texts(texts: list[str]) list[list[float]]

Create embedding vectors using the selected client.


texts: A list of text strings.


A list of embedding vectors, one vector for each text element.

model: str
class ragcore.models.embedding_model.AzureOpenAIEmbedding(model: str, api_version: str, endpoint: str)

Bases: BaseOpenAIEmbeddings

Class for Azure OpenAI embedding models.

Note that you must have your API key for OpenAI AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY set.

For more information see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/concepts/models#embeddings-models


model: The string for the model which should be used, as specified by Azure OpenAI.

api_version: The version string of the deployment.

endpoint: The endpoint of the deployment.

class ragcore.models.embedding_model.OpenAIEmbedding(model: str)

Bases: BaseOpenAIEmbeddings

Class for OpenAI embedding models.

Note that you must have your API key for OpenAI OPENAI_API_KEY set.

For more information see: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/embeddings


model: The string for the model which should be used, as specified by OpenAI.

class ragcore.models.llm_model.BaseLLMModel(llm_provider: str, llm_model: str, llm_config: dict[str, str] | None)

Bases: ABC

Abstract Base Class for Large Language Model models.

The BaseLLMModel defines the interface for LLM models, serving as a base class for concrete implementations. Subclasses must implement the abstract method to provide functionality for generating responses for a given text input.


llm_provider: The provider of the LLM model.

llm_model: The llm from the provder as a string, as specified by the provider.

llm_config: Configuration for the LLM.

abstract request(text: str) str

Perform a request to an LLM and return the response.


text: A string with the request for the LLM.


A response from the llm as a string.

class ragcore.models.llm_model.AzureOpenAIModel(llm_provider: str, llm_model: str, llm_config: dict[str, str] | None)

Bases: BaseLLMModel

Class to interact with Azure OpenAI LLMs.

Make sure to have your API key set in the environment as AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY.

For more information, see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/concepts/models

request(text: str) str

Perform a request with an Azure OpenAI LLM.


text: The text string for the request.


The response string from the LLM.

class ragcore.models.llm_model.OpenAIModel(llm_provider: str, llm_model: str, llm_config: dict[str, str] | None)

Bases: BaseLLMModel

Class to interact with OpenAI LLMs.

Make sure to have your API key set in the environment as OPENAI_API_KEY.

For more information, see: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/text-generation

request(text: str) str

Perform a request with an OpenAI LLM.


text: The text string for the request.


The response string from the LLM.

class ragcore.models.prompt_model.PromptGenerator

Bases: object

Class to manage prompt templates and to generate prompts.

A prompt is generated from a template and two inputs. One input is the question, for example a question about some content in a document. The second input is a context string, which is a concatenated string of context which should be used in the prompt.

get_prompt(question: str, context_str: str) str

Creates a prompt from the template, the question, and the context.

Typically, the question is the user input and the context is retrieved from a database.


question: A question as a string.

context_str: A string with all context which should be part of the prompt.


A prompt as a string to be used for a LLM.

Data Transfer Objects

class ragcore.dto.document_dto.DocumentDTO(content: str, title: str, metadata: Mapping[str, Any])

Bases: object

Class for Document Data Transfer Objects to convert to RAG Core documents.

# Instantiate a DTO
dto = DocumentDTO(content="This is my text", title="Great text", metadata={"title": "Great text", "page": "1"})

# Now you can create a ragcore document
doc = dto.to_ragcore()

content: A string for the page content.

title: The title of the document as a string.

metadata: A mapping for metadata.


Converts to a LangChain document type.


Converts to a RAG Core document type.

static to_ragcore_list(lang_documents: list[Document]) list[Document]

Converts to a list of RAG Core documents.


lang_documents: A list of LangChain documents.


A list of documents.


ragcore.shared.utils.chunk_list(nums: list, chunk_size: int) Generator

Returns a chunked list.

ragcore.shared.utils.custom_key_comparator(item: str | None) str

Returns a lowercase string or an empty string if no item is given.

ragcore.shared.utils.document_to_str(docs: list[Document]) str

Extracts the content from a list of Documents into a line-separated string.


docs: A list of documents.


A string with the document’s content.

ragcore.shared.utils.remove_file_extension(string: str) str

Removes .pdf file extensions from a string.


string: A string, possibly with a file extension.


A string without a file extension.

ragcore.shared.utils.slice_list(input_list: list[Any], slice_size: int) list[list[Any]]

Slices a list into slices of size slice_size.


input_list: A list.

slice_size: The size for a slice.


A list of sliced elements.


class ragcore.shared.constants.APIConstants

Bases: object

Constants for the API client.

PINECONE_LIST_VECTORS = '/vectors/list'
class ragcore.shared.constants.AppConstants

Bases: object

Constants for the app.

DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH = './config.yaml'
KEY_LOGGER_FLAG = 'verbose_logger'
class ragcore.shared.constants.ConfigurationConstants

Bases: object

Constants for the configuration file.

KEY_CHUNK_OVERLAP = 'chunk_overlap'
KEY_CHUNK_SIZE = 'chunk_size'
KEY_DATABASE = 'database'
KEY_EMBEDDING = 'embedding'
KEY_LLM = 'llm'
KEY_LLM_MODEL = 'model'
KEY_LLM_PROVIDER = 'provider'
KEY_NUMBER_SEARCH_RESULTS = 'number_search_results'
KEY_SPLITTER = 'splitter'
class ragcore.shared.constants.DataConstants

Bases: object

Constants for the data model.

KEY_DOC = 'doc'
KEY_PAGE = 'page'
KEY_TITLE = 'title'
class ragcore.shared.constants.DatabaseConstants

Bases: object

Constants for database models and service.

KEY_DOC = 'doc'
KEY_DOCUMENTS = 'documents'
KEY_METADATA = 'metadata'
KEY_METADATAS = 'metadatas'
KEY_TITLE = 'title'
class ragcore.shared.constants.EmbeddingConstants

Bases: object

Constants for embedding models.

class ragcore.shared.constants.LLMProviderConstants

Bases: object

Constants for LLM models and service.



exception ragcore.shared.errors.AppBaseError

Bases: Exception

Base class for app exceptions.

exception ragcore.shared.errors.DatabaseError

Bases: AppBaseError

Database error.

exception ragcore.shared.errors.EmbeddingError

Bases: AppBaseError

Embedding error.

class ragcore.shared.errors.ErrorCodes(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: IntEnum

exception ragcore.shared.errors.LLMError

Bases: AppBaseError

LLM error.

exception ragcore.shared.errors.MetadataError

Bases: AppBaseError

Metadata error.

exception ragcore.shared.errors.PromptError

Bases: AppBaseError

Prompt error.

exception ragcore.shared.errors.UserConfigurationError

Bases: AppBaseError

User configuration error.